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International English Language Testing System popularly known as IELTS is a proficiency test for English language and is widely accepted all over the world. English language tests are a must have if you decide to go to an English speaking country for further education or for work. This test is divided into four modules namely; Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The test takers are given bands for their level of English language skills out of 9 bands. Various countries have different minimum requirement of these bands to allow you to apply for the seat to study there because they need to make sure that their students are able to understand what is taught in the class and they are able to survive comfortably in their country and communication is the first thing that is needed for that.

In large numbers students or working professionals land in Chandigarh to take coaching to improve their language skills of English so that they could clear the required test with desired scores. Owing to this reason there are ample of institutes in Chandigarh who provide required this coaching and all of them claim to be the ielts exam chandigarh. We all know that it cannot be true, therefore let me take this opportunity to introduce you to the one which is truly the best IELTS coaching centre in Chandigarh – Abroad Gateway.

When I say it is the best one, there has to be some bases behind that, here are some of them:

Rich Experience:

Abroad Gateway was opened by the founder after observing the lack of a chandigarh ielts institute. As the main motive was to provide correct and practical coaching to the students, it houses the trainers who have rich theoretical and practical experience in the field. Language is very subjective and that is the reason it is extremely important that the trainers themselves have good language skills and know various ways to teach as not every student comes with same skill-set.

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