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33 Ubi Avenue 3 #08-12, Vertex Building, Tower B Singapore 408868

Success Breakthrough

Months ago, we were approached by Mr Varaibim regarding a scam situation. Juris-EQ Consultancy & Services took up the case and located the debtor, who affirmed that she had acquired monies from Mr Varaibim and knew his psychological status.

We confirmed that she had indeed exploited our client and wanted official law enforcement to intervene given the gravity of the circumstances.

Juris-EQ Consultancy & Services took on the task of crafting petitions which communicated the wrongful nature of the debtor’s actions and the necessity of pursuing the case in light of the egregious nature of the offence in order to protect other vulnerable members of the community.

We received news a week ago, vis-a-vis a letter from SPF, that the authorities will be investigating the situation and will keep our client updated about its progress regarding the potential charges.

We applaud the efforts of the law enforcement faculty, seeking to serve justice and protect the community. It is through collaborative efforts that true justice can be done and Juris-EQ Consultancy & Services is proud to have been an impetus for this case to reach the right hands.


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