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Artvigil 150 is a prescription medicine that is used to deal with narcolepsy. It may also be used to treat excessive sleepiness because of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Artvigil 150 belongs to a category of medication referred to as “hypnotics” and works by means of slowing down the interest of brain cells that control sleepiness and wakefulness in the brain.

Artvigil is a drug that facilitates people to experience more consciousness and alertness. It aids in the reduction of excessive drowsiness added on through sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy.

It additionally allows folks who need to improve their attention because of the needs of their jobs. It has up to an eleven-hour cognitive enhancement impact. Armodafinil is the lively element in it that is the same as Modafinil.

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